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Beach Sunset Yoga Hawaii Feel the earth beneath, the sky above, and know you are one with nature unbound, stretching endlessly outward and within you. Mindfulness will show you the way. Beach Sunset Yoga Hawaii's founder, Karen Lei believed so strongly in the rare benefits derived from traditional yoga teaching that she traveled the Himalayas' foothills in India to live and learn yoga where the current Dalai Lama lives in exile. This time honored tradition of learning ensures as the gurus say, "Authentic teachings are passed down." From this study, we offer India trained Ashtanga (8 limb original intent practice) based vinyasa flow and mindful meditation training as well as MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) techniques taught in universities across the world. Our Waikiki beach classes endeavor to provide yoga as originally intended: a practice of moving meditation, disciplined overall wellness, and control of body senses and mind, not just fitness. Ashtanga Based Mindful Integrated Flows Ashtanga, being the foundation of all Vinyasas, is a favorite style of athletes as well as those wanting an authentic yoga practice or being dynamic yet mindful, a perfect balance of strength and ease, working the entire body in proper chronology with every practice. Ashtanga synchronizes movement with breath in a moving meditation, akin to the martial arts goals. Enhancing the physical aspects of Ashtanga, Beach Sunset Yoga Hawaii classes are taught outdoors to integrate the mindful connection to nature, awareness of the present moment, and to practice peace with all which we cannot control. All classes taught in accordance with the speed and energy levels of the groups that attend; were trained and highly experienced in mixed level classes so that all can feel engaged, from first timer to advance. KEEPING YOGA REAL
India trained Ashtanga based vinyasa flow is an authentic mindful practice for comprehensive wellness of mind and body. We adhere to modern medicines support to achieve optimum physical health. We honor ancient techniques and philosophies for achieving equanimity and inner peace. We believe that if we authentically follow and teach yoga's traditions, vast control of physical, emotional and mental reactions through breath will come second nature. Comments are closed.
Karen LeFree spirited, adventurous rebel with great meta causes. ArchivesCategories |